Explore a world where art transcends boundaries, colors speak emotions, and the love of God is portrayed through art with the stroke of a brush.


Inspiration for this painting is Revelation 21:5. ​ With a simple choice in life, you receive the promise to be made new for eternity.
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New Strength – Night

Inspiration for this painting is Isaiah 40:31. We can soar to new heights with help from above. We are able to soar over any obstacle.
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Book of Life

Inspiration for this painting is Revelation chapter 3 verse 5. If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, throughout your life, you will receive special rewards when you reach heaven. And no one will be able to remove your name from the book of life. Jesus will openly claim you as His own to the Father and His angels. And you will remain with God throughout all of eternity.
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Peace Be Still

Inspiration for this painting is Mark chapter 4 verses 39-41 ​As you go through the hustle and bustle of life, you may feel like you’re riding a wild, never ending, rollercoaster full of sharp turns and deep plummeting dives. Are you ready to slow down? Jesus can quiet the storms of chaos in your life. You only have to surrender everything to Him. He will give you a peace that no one can take away
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Resilient Magnolias Rising

Inspiration for this painting is the book of James, chapter 1 and verses 2-4. Be like the blooms of the Magnolia tree, which opens it's petals toward heaven in praise to God, despite its trials and changes in its environment
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Inspiration for this painting is John chapter 15 verse:5 and Matthew chapter 6 verse: 20. The good deeds (fruit) that you do on earth will produce treasures in heaven for you
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Inspiration for this painting is Romans chapter 13, verse 11. Are you so busy with all of your day to day obligations that you have been ignoring your relationship with God? It’s time to wake up and take care of your responsibilities to spread the good news of the salvation that has been provided through His Son, Jesus! Awaken and unleash the Gospel to a lost and needy world.
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Inspiration for this painting is Isaiah chapter 43 verses: 1-2. No fire, flood, or obstacle can overtake you with the protection you receive from above.
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New Creature

Inspiration for this painting is 2 Corinthians 5:17-18. Regardless of our past mistakes; our less than desirable bloodline; and our less than favorable environment surrounding us, we have a chance for a new life with a simple choice.
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New Strength – Day

Inspiration for this painting is Isaiah 40:31. We are provided with tools from above to thrive in our daily walk and to help others to soar over their problems.
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Tree of Life

Inspiration for this painting is Revelations chapter 22, verses 2 and 14. True nourishment comes from above. The choice is yours to pick from this everlasting source of nourishment.
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Inspiration for this painting is John 5: 28-29 The ultimate invitation is within everyone's reach. This invitation is for everyone! It is inclusive not exclusive.
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Windows of Heaven

Inspiration for this painting is Malachi 3:10. Giving of oneself opens up the opportunity to receive more blessings than you can even imagine. The different flowers are falling from the sky symbolizing various blessings from heaven.
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Inspiration for this painting is ​Titus chapter 1 verse: 2. ​Despite what the world says, the end of life on earth is not the end for your soul. It’s just the beginning of eternity.
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The Flood

Inspiration for this painting is Genesis chapter 7: verses: 5-17. God will provide protection through all the storms of life.
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The Maze of Life

Inspiration for this painting is John chapter 14 verse: 6. In life there are many paths that lead to temporary satisfaction. But these passing pleasures lead us away from the Creator. There is only one true path that leads to everlasting joy.
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Resurrection #2

Inspiration for this painting is Matthew chapter 28 verses: 5-7, 1 Corinthians chapter 15 verse: 6. God's promises are true. Therefore, you can count on Him to keep His word.
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Joyful Noise

Inspiration for this painting was Psalms chapter 95 verses: 1-3. Music has the ability to lift us up from dark places. So when you feel down, sing a song and make a joyful noise. You will be amazed how much better you feel.
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In the Cool of the Day

Inspiration for this painting is Genesis chapter 3, verses 8. We have all made decisions we wish we could change. Isn’t it wonderful to know God loves us no matter the choices we have made.
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Inspiration for this painting is ​Isaiah chapter 35 verse: 1 -4. There is hope, even when you’re going through your desert because God is still by your side. He will turn your desert into blossoming landscapes.
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Be Still

Inspiration for this painting is ​Psalm chapter 46 verse: 10. Don’t let your problems bombard your mind with noise. God is already working behind the scenes to help you out of your situation. Just be still. He won’t be late.
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5th Day #3

Inspiration for this painting is ​Genesis chapter 1 verses: 20-21. Just like God told the waters to bring forth abundant creatures, so God also wants you to live an abundant life and produce good works for His Kingdom. ​I hope this note serves as a starting point for your own reflection.
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Inspiration for this painting is Lamentations chapter 3 verses: 22-23. Our Creator loves us and gives us an opportunity to start over with each new day as we behold the beauty He creates around us.
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Inspiration for this painting is Matthew chapter 28 verses: 1-6. As was foretold, the grave couldn't hold our Savior, for at the end of the Sabbath, the angel of the Lord with rainment white as snow revealed to Mary Magdalene and the other Mary what had been promised! Jesus who was crucified along with 2 sinners were resurrected as evidenced by the empty tomb!
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Inspiration for this painting is Proverbs chapter 28, verses 1. Many of us spend our time walking through life thinking we won’t amount to anything. But all the gifts and talents you need are already in you to become the best you possible! They have been provided by the Creator. You are meant to be fearless, unafraid and Bold!
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Red Sea

Inspiration for this painting is Exodus chapter 14: verses: 9-22. ​Our Creator will protect you from the things that have you bound and in captivity if you diligently seek Him and keep walking through the obstacles without looking at the walls (opposition) of water on either side.
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Inspiration for this painting is Deuteronomy chapter 11 verse: 14. As we accept, follow, and obey our Creator, he will provide the rain we need to flourish in all seasons and the additional rain we need to reach out to others and increase "His" harvest.
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New Heart

Inspiration for this painting is Ezekiel chapter 36 verse: 26. God can give you a new heart to replace the old heart that has been damaged by everyday life.
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Angels Watching

Inspiration for this painting is ​Psalms chapter 91 verses: 10-12. ​No evil thing will affect you, because the Creator sends His angels to watch over those he love.
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Inspiration for this painting is Matthew chapter 11, verses 28-30. You don’t have to carry all the problems of the world on your shoulders. Come and give them to God. He will carry the load, take the pressure off of you, and give you rest.
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Inspiration for this painting is Romans chapter 12, verses 2. With just one touch from the Creator, your mind will be renewed and your life transformed.
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5th Day

Inspiration for this painting is ​Genesis chapter 1 verses: 21-23. You were created for good and filled with a Spirit from on high to help you each and every day to make the right choices.
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Inspiration for this painting is ​Joshua chapter 24 verse: 15. We can choose to serve the things of this world that keep us in bondage, or serve our Creator who can set us free.
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Inspiration for this painting is Psalms chapter 1, verses 3. Everyone wonders about being prosperous. If we keep our focus on the Creator and live by His words, He promises that whatever we do will prosper.
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Don’t Worry

Inspiration for this painting is ​Luke chapter 2 verses: 27-28. Our Creator never intended us to worry from day to day about what we will need to survive. In our darkest times, we can find encouragement in seeing how our Lord provides daily for all of His creation. Flowers don’t have to labor to grow, it happens effortlessly because that is the way the Lord made them.
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Inspiration for this painting is ​ Luke chapter 3 verse: 22 ​Our Redeemer showed us how we must be born of water and Spirit to be saved. After his baptism, the Holy Spirit fell upon him in the shape of a dove to show us how His Spirit is birthed to dwell within us and guide us in our daily walk.
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Inspiration for this painting is ​Genesis chapter 2 verse: 8. ​The Creator is the same God as He was in the Garden of Eden, able to supply our every need.
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Inspiration for this painting is ​1 Kings chapter 19 verse: 7. ​Although it may seem you are under attack from the elements, there is an angel that has been sent to guide, direct and minister to you.
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Fear no Evil

Inspiration for this painting is ​Psalms chapter 23 verse: 4. ​We are experiencing trials and attacks that have never been evidenced in the history of mankind. In these dark times, do not be afraid because our Creator and Savior is always with us.
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Inspiration for this painting is John chapter 8 verses: 36. You don't have to live in bondage to the problems of life. The Creator designed a plan to set you free
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Inspiration for this painting is ​Galatians chapter 5 verses: 22-23. Fruit: Aspiring to acquire these characteristics helps us live fulfilling lives.
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His Eye

Inspiration for this painting is Psalms chapter 139 verses: 7-12. The Creator can see you no matter the state of your soul. There is nowhere you can hide from His love.
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Inspiration for this painting is Psalms chapter 121 verse: 1. "Help"- Life is full of valleys(low points) and hills (high points). It is comforting to know that when we are in the valley, we only have to lift our eyes to the hill we were just on or will be on soon to get help from the creator.
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Inspiration for this painting is ​Genesis chapter 28: verse: 12. ​Our Creator is reaching down from above and providing us the means to reach Him.
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Inspiration for this painting is ​Psalm chapter 146 verse: 1 -2. Praising God takes your focus off your problems and shows Him your gratitude for all He has done for you.
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Inspiration for this painting is Romans chapter 13, verse 11. God created you to be uniquely different from any other person. You are a special vessel that was designed to complete a specific assignment while here on Earth.
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Rained Down

Inspiration for this painting is Acts chapter 2 verses: 2-4. Your gifts and talents are fully manifested through the inspiration received from our Creator. You are then able to share your gifts with others.
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Inspiration for this painting is Philippians chapter 4, verse 6-7. You don't have to be anxious about anything. Give the problem to God and know that He will solve it. In turn, He will give peace to your heart and mind. ​I hope this note serves as a starting point for your own reflection. Hope you enjoy
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Inspiration for this painting was Acts chapter 2 verses: 1-8. Receive the gift of power from God to help others, to spread God's love and good news around the world, and to live a victorious life.
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5th Day #2

Inspiration for this painting is ​Genesis chapter 1 verses: 21-23. You were created for good and filled with a Spirit from on high to help you each and every day to make the right choices
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Greater than Gold

Inspiration for this painting is 1 Peter chapter 1 verse: 6-7. You will be tested in life. But afterwards, your faith becomes pure and more valuable than gold.
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First Breath

Inspiration for this painting is ​Genesis chapter 2 verse: 7. ​ God gives us every breath we take and every word he gives nourishes our sou
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Inspiration for this painting is Psalm chapter 19 verse: 1. ​Glory: The wonders of our Creators are revealed in the heavens where He waits for us. The evidence of His amazing work can be seen when we look up at the rainbow, sun, moon, and stars.
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Good News

Inspiration for this painting is Mark chapter 16 verse: 15. As the hummingbird spreads pollen to flowers and trees, so should we be in spreading the good news of our Creator's love and saving grace.
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Inspiration for this painting is Revelation chapter 3 verse: 20. Jesus is waiting patiently at the door of your heart. He wants to help you live a full life on earth while he prepares a place for you in heaven.
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It is Done

Inspiration for this painting is Revelation chapter 21 verse: 6, and Luke chapter 24 verse: 27. You don’t have to worry about trying to work your way into heaven. God has made all the necessary arrangements through His Son Jesus, who did all the work.
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In His Time

Inspiration for this painting is Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse: 1-4. Your desired timing is usually not God’s timing. His timing is alway perfect. He will never be a second late.
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Inspiration for this painting is Isaiah chapter 43 verse: 2. No matter the severity or size of your problem, God is in control. Put your trust in Him. You’re under His protection.
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The Winds and Sea Obey

Inspiration for this painting is Matthew chapter 8 verse: 23-27. Your current situation may seem impossible to solve. But nothing is impossible for God. Jesus calmed the winds and sea. He can handle the problems you are facing.
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Inspiration for this painting is Genesis chapter 9 verse: 11-13. Many people have probably broken promises to you, but God never will. He will always be there for you. You can rely on Him.
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Inspiration for this painting is ​Revelation chapter 1 verse: 7. ​Keep your eyes looking up and not on the perils of life or the despair around you . Know that hope lies ahead of you with a simple choice.
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Divider of Time

Inspiration for this painting is ​ Luke chapter 23 verses: 44-45. Know that your life has a purpose and a set time for each path you take with an end result in mind. When it seems darkest, be encouraged knowing that at a set time, the sun will appear.
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Limitless Love

Inspiration for this painting is ​Romans chapter 8 verses: 38-39. Before God formed you He loved you. Can you imagine how much He loves you? His love for you is limitless.
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4th Day

Inspiration for this painting is ​Genesis chapter 1 verse: 15- 16. You don’t have to worry about getting lost in the billions of people. God counts the stars and know their names. Surely He can handle all your needs
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Hand of God

Inspiration for this painting is Joshua chapter 4 verse: 24. We can rest in the daily walk of life knowing that the hands of our Creator are upon us and protecting us from all hurt and harm.
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In His Shadow

Inspiration for this painting is Psalm chapter 36 verse: 7. Because you are under the shadow of His wings, you are able to trust Him with all aspects of your life.
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